Winning the War for Talent in Emerging Markets
/Extracted 02NOV2011 from
...Why Women Are the Solution
by Sylvia Ann Hewlett & Ripa Rashid (report can be purchased at this site)
With rolling debt crises blasting Western economies already weakened by the recession, hopes are resting on the BRICs—the emerging market dynamos of Brazil, Russia, India and China—to power countries and corporations back to growth. Keeping those engines humming is increasingly dependent on women. In the BRICs (which have accounted for 45% of global growth since 2007), female earnings are growing twice as fast as male earnings and women now control two-thirds of consumer spending. Most significantly, the majority of tertiary degrees in these countries now go to women. From Shanghai to Sao Paolo highly qualified, ambitious women are pouring into the labor market bringing urgency to the challenge of managing a more diverse high-echelon workforce. This study emphasizes solutions, exploring best practice in the private sector across these geographies, showcasing 30 cutting-edge initiatives that leverage the newly-rich pool of female talent.
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