Center for Work-Life Policy
/Extracted 02NOV2011 from
The Center for Work-Life Policy (CWLP), a non-profit "think tank" based in New York City, has emerged as a thought leader in diversity and talent management, driving ground breaking research and seeding programs and practices that attract, retain and accelerate the new streams of talent around the world.
CWLP's flagship project is the Hidden Brain Drain Task Force -- a private sector task force focused on helping corporations leverage their talent across the divides of gender, generation and culture. The 68 global corporations and organizations that constitute the Task Force--representing 4 million employees and operating in 190 countries around the world--are united by understanding that the full utilization of the talent pool is at the heart of competitive advantage and economic success.[The work by Dr. Hewlett and the CWLP on sponsorship (as differentiated from mentorship) is among the most important breakthroughs in industrial-organizational psychology in decades. The conclusions are immediately actionable for leaders, as such, and they are based on an exceptional depth and breath of data.]