Around and Around We Go

Around and Around We Go "The debate over violent games and their impact on society is one that probably won't be solved anytime soon, but rather will only heat up in the coming years, especially as this next generation of video game consoles offers increasingly realistic graphics."

[We won't "solve" the debate. If grounded in scientific sensibilities, however, a debate can lead to a deeper understanding that can influence both the design and use of videogames and the communities that organize around them.]

See also

Prosocial Video Gameplay

Prosocial Video Gameplay "Here the game became a different sort of “thing” altogether. Not only was it a vehicle of shared meaning and story telling, but also a common ground over which to interact. Playing here subverted not only what the visuals meant but what the right way to play it was."

See also:

LA Times Explores Videogames and Violence

Extracted 19FEB2013 from The incredible success of the ‘Call of Duty’-type stuff drives games away from more constructive conflict. I think that’s one of the sad things and one of...

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CS Monitor Explores Videogames and Violence

Extracted 19FEB2013 from So why are so many people blaming the video game industry? It’s a phenomenon known as “cultural lag,” and it’s what ...

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NY Times Explores Videogames and Violence

Extracted 29FEB2013 from “At the very least, parents should be aware of what’s in the games their kids are playing,” Dr. Anderson said, “and think of it from a social...

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