Console vs Mobile Games

Extracted 27MAR2012 from

Console sales are down and *gasp* mobile gaming is up!...

Fact is, this generation’s console roster has had a much longer shelf life than any generation before it. The Xbox 360, for example, is going into its seventh year — the first-gen Xbox took a bow after no more than five.

It figures, then, that console sales would eventually drop off. After all, most of the gaming population already has the core hardware, so all that’s left is to spend money on peripherals and games, which, it follows, are much better indicators of consoles’ health...

But these companies know that even reinvigorated systems have expiration dates. That’s why each has teased its next step. Nintendo will lead the way, with its Wii U scheduled for a late-2012 debut, and Microsoft will follow close on its heels with the next-gen 360 — a system rumored to pack six times more power than the 360 among other goodies. Long story short, consoles aren’t experiencing any sort of downturn that wasn’t completely predictable and inevitable, and reinforcements are on the way, so don’t count them out yet.