SCREW*D: Blended Reality Community
/Extracted 15MAR2012 from
This summer, Craftsman is going to take one tool-clueless person, and through a series of intense, even high-risk tool and survival challenges, put them through the ringer. The goal: Turn them into the ultimate handyman...
Alan’s smoke signal for escape has been near him the entire time, but he doesn’t know where it is. Now that’s he’s done with his A-frame, let him know it’s located 50 feet south of his A-frame, buried in the snow behind the fallen dead tree...
Alan reflects back on the entire SCREW*D project, including all three wild drops. Thanks to the entire Craftsman DIY online community for helping train him and make Alan a bit more handy.
SCREW*D won this year's Business category award. The category is "devoted to the promotional needs, functions and services of for-profit businesses."