Angel Investment of Intellectual Capital

Extracted 18JAN2012 from

Australian angel investors, individuals and groups who provide financial and support capital for business start-ups, are being urged to complete the latest National Angel Survey before Monday 16 January. Conducted by Bentleys in association with The Australian Association of Angel Investors (AAAI), the survey aims to investigate the backgrounds and behaviours of local angels and what drives their investment choices....

“Results will also contribute to the World Business Angels Association’s comparative research on angel investments across different countries.” Survey results will be presented at the 2012 National Angels Conference on 29 February in Melbourne...

More than sixty per cent of individual angel investments and half of angel group investments were in seed and start-up companies, with the most popular sectors life sciences, clean tech, web software and IT... Ms Drinkwater said. “In terms of personal contribution, angel investors spent on average 48 hours a month on their activities, with almost half that time spent advising their adopted entrepreneurs or liaising with potential investees.

“A key principle of angel investing is to contribute intellectual capital as well as financial capital, and we have found in the past that many angel groups seek formal representatives to pursue investors’ interests and to channel contributions from the entire group.”