Passion and Reason in Values Based Learning and Development
/Reciprocal influences in an individual’s interactions with the social environment as with the physical environment. 1st-order others share the same physical context. 2nd-order others are engaged largely with a different context. Presumably coordination with such individuals is guided by more abstract commonalities such as shared values. Such values exemplify a broader community that includes 3rd-order others with whom one momentarily is not interacting.
Riccio, G. (2010). Passion and Reason in Values-Based Learning & Development. In: Riccio, G., Diedrich, F., & Cortes, M. (Eds.). An Initiative in Outcomes-Based Training and Education: Implications for an Integrated Approach to Values-Based Requirements (Chapter 5). Fort Meade, MD: U.S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group. [Cover art by represents word frequency in text.]
This chapter explores the linkage between intangible cultural values and emotion experience. Emotion is a source of information about one's engagement with the world, both social and physical. In this context, the case is made that emotion should be harnessed as a valid perspective on a situation, however idiosyncratic, rather than avoided as a source of cognitive bias. The value of the informational linkage derives from a focus on diversity within a team rather than on an individual in isolation. Emotional intelligence thus is seen as a critical factor influencing collective intelligence, especially with respect to the capacity to learn and develop with others. This conjecture has actionable implications for leadership that are not limited to formal programs of instruction.
Stylized depiction of the notions of self in the context of reciprocal influences between an individual and both momentary and temporally extended situations. The vertical axis essentially is a level of abstraction with increasingly more pervasive communities. The horizontal axis is time that has no independent meaning psychologically, not linear physical time, in that it recognizes the reciprocal influence between ongoing experience and prior experience. The relationships represented in this figure have direct implications for design and assessment of instruction.