Jay-Z Launches Facebook Game
/Extracted 25APR2012 from http://mashable.com/2012/04/24/jay-z-facebook-game-empire/
Empire, a new Facebook game from Jay-Z, wants your virtual self to “go from hustler, to entrepreneur, to business mogul.” If that life path sounds familiar, it’s because it resembles Jay-Z‘s story...
Empire begins by giving you a slew of ways to earn points and move up life’s ladder. You can visit your mom or significant other for moral support, engage in a rap battle or make a mix tape for street cred, and get a job to pay for your bling, among other activities...
Earned points help you move out of the projects and into the “hotspots of the rich and famous” in Manhattan. “Make the right choices and the World belongs to you. LIVE THE DREAM,” reads a prompt early in the game...