The Anthropocene
/Extracted 11/11/11 from [see enlarged version at the link above]
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Ecosystem Archives
Extracted 11/11/11 from [see enlarged version at the link above]
Read MoreExtracted 11/11/11 from The color blue was chosen to underline the high energy involved in making these anthropogenic features. [Thank you, Felix Pharand]
Read MoreExtracted 11/11/11 from FELIX PHARAND D. Cultural Anthropologist specialized in ethnogeography... has worked for 10 years as a scientific communicator in various domains, including cosmology, planetology, Ea...
Read MoreExtracted 03NOV2011 from BRIBERY involves two parties, not one. Lambasting officials in poor countries for their sticky fingers is e...
Read MoreExtracted 31OCT2011 from In Performance Standard 1, the IFC indicates that “the Social and Environmental Assessment process will be based on current information, including an accurate project description, a...
Read MoreExtracted 31OCT2011 from Businesses with between $10,000 and $10 million of revenue account for just 17 percent of new jobs, according to a recent Treasury Department report. The report cites that one reason...
Read MoreExtracted 28OCT2011 from National Institutions And Global Competition Strategic Management Society's 31st Annual Conference (Miami, FL), Nov. 6-9, 2011 The world has changed dramatically since the SMS first me...
Read MoreExtracted 24OCT2011 from A myth tells us: Two methods of improving a business are “Six Sigma” and “Lean”... We do encounter globally operating companies that claim for having sustainable operations in place but criticall...
Read MoreExtracted 24OCT2011 from In order to help develop and maintain the partnership and the relationships, I suggest developing guiding principles that support the relationship and focus on mutually beneficial objectives. The...
Read MoreExtracted 24OCT2011 from By Jennifer Hanley-Giersch Corporations and institutions can attain a strategic and competitive advantage by pursuing an integrated approach ...
Read MoreExtracted 21OCT2011 from You can’t keep bringing out new products, technologies or solutions and deliver them through the same logistics done in the past. There may be new markets requiring new logistics. There may be ne...
Read MoreExtracted 21OCT2011 from India will soon replace the 56-year-old Companies Act with a new legislation aimed at improving corporate governance and checking frauds in boardrooms... the key focus is on ensuring that compani...
Read MoreExtracted 20OCT2011 from In this podcast, Jeff [Kaplan] explains the latest developments in the anti-corruption area including the results of a benchmarking study condu...
Read MoreExtracted 20OCT2011 from One of the federal government's few success stories when it comes to policing corporate crime in recent years comes from a post-Watergate law...
Read MoreExtracted 20OCT2011 from [Beginning to think about socio-technical ecosystems for business... applies to transnational enterprises as well]
Read MoreExtracted 20OCT2011 from Economies are ranked on their ease of doing business, from 1 – 183. A high ranking on the ease of doing business index means the regulatory environment is more conducive t...
Read MoreExtracted 20OCT2011 from International tourist arrivals are forecast to reach 1.8 billion by 2030 according to the newly released UNWTO long-term forecast, Tourism To...
Read MoreExtracted 20OCT2011 from The Xerox CTO describes research that allows manufacturing and office workers to avoid commuting to traffic-choked Indian cities. [Video podcast]
Read MoreExtracted 20OCT2011 from Video podcast describing some of the basic manifestations and uses of offshoring.
Read MoreExtracted 20OCT2011 from [Video podcast] The past years, offshore suppliers have moved up the value chain and moved into value added services, such as consulting and end-to-end IT services. The expectation is that this t...
Read MoreAs a partner or as a consultant, I deliver value by identifying, aggregating, and developing previously undervalued scientific and technical assets--people and systems, internal and external, public and private--for exceptional impact.
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