Technology, Media, and Telecom Can Transform

Extracted 18JAN2013 from

In technology, media, and telecommunications, companies are vying for position in what has rapidly become known as the post-PC era—an age when portability and connectivity trump power and speed, and ecosystems of content and services drive value.

A transformation that began in the consumer market is shaking the foundations of enterprise IT and spilling over into other industries...

As the Internet becomes increasingly global, developing countries are spawning their own global challengers—ambitious, fast-moving companies that bring an accelerator mindset to the global fray, focus on growth rather than immediate returns, and learn as they go rather than rely on preprogrammed business plans...

Digital services are radically changing entire industries ranging from retail to banking, from games to music, and from health care to transportation. The market for digital services shown... will reach $1 trillion by 2015 and is growing at 13 percent annually. Soon it will be larger than the global telecom services market...

In this turbulent and unpredictable environment, traditional notions of competitive advantage become fragile, and setting strategy based on long-term forecasts is perilous. A new way of thinking is required.