OECD on International Investment
/Extracted 27SEP2011 from www.oecd.org/daf/investment
OECD aims to enhance the contribution of international investment to growth and sustainable development worldwide by advancing investment policy reform and international co-operation. Access work on: policy framework for investment, country reviews, FDI statistics, freedom of investment and investment for green growth.
What's New
Investment: Trade restrictions increasing but global investment remains open, says OECD-UNCTAD-WTO report (24-May-2011)
Most G20 governments have put in place some restrictive trade measures over the past six months, but have on the whole honoured their pledge to keep international investment, according to the OECD, UNCTAD and WTO.
Capital flows and the Code of Capital Movements (24-May-2011)
Money flooding into emerging economies in search of high returns can damage local currencies and markets if it suddenly flows out again. This has triggered renewed interest in the use of capital controls. The OECD Code of Capital Movements provides a balanced framework for countries progressively to remove barriers to the movement of capital, while providing flexibility to cope with situations of economic and financial instability