IFC Annual Report for 2010
/Extracted 07SEP2011 from http://www1.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/CORP_EXT_Content/IFC_External_Corporate_S...
IFC, the largest international development institution focused on the private sector, is helping link dynamic companies and industries with the needs of the poor.
In fiscal 2010, as never before, we mobilized our global expertise and financial resources so private enterprises could maximize their development impact while realizing the significant commercial benefit of investing in emerging markets. We did it while putting a greater emphasis on the world’s poorest areas.
IFC invested a record $18 billion in FY2010 — $13 billion of which was for our own account — in 528 projects in 103 countries. We mobilized more than $5 billion from others, another landmark. Our Advisory Services expenditures totaled $268 million. Crucially, more of our work than ever was in countries served by the International Development Association, a top priority. We invested a record $4.9 billion in 255 projects in 58 IDA countries...
In 2009, our clients provided 2.2 million jobs. They treated nearly 8 million patients, helped educate 1.4 million students, and supported 2.1 million farmers. They distributed water to 35 million customers, power to 29 million customers, and gas to 16 million. Micro, small, and medium enterprises, the businesses responsible for most of the world’s job creation, received 10 million loans totaling $112 billion from our clients. Our results show that strong development impact is compatible with strong financial returns. Our net income topped $1.7 billion in FY2010, after a $200 million transfer to IDA.