"Voices 2.0" - Revolutionizing Participation
/Extracted 18AUG2011 from http://blogs.worldbank.org/publicsphere/voices-20-revolutionizing-participati...
Traditional participation approaches referred to here as “Voices 1.0” are being directly influenced by the witnessed proliferation of ICTs rendering them more interactive “Voices 2.0”. This complimentary shift has direct implications for operational work throughout the project cycle...
A new SDC Working paper soon to be published titled “Deepening Participation and Enhancing Aid Effectiveness through ICTs and Media” examines why and how development practitioners can adopt ICTs and media for increased participation and better results into their daily practice. Taking a critical look back over 10 years of SDC program support within ICTs for Development, findings include:
- ICTs and media, if strategically integrated throughout development programs, can make a significant contribution
- Start thinking about information and communication needs, channels and media throughout the Project Cycle but most importantly in the planning stages for policy and project intervention
- ICT-enhanced “Communication for Development Methodologies” are worth revisiting
- Link ICTs and media to the organizational DNA of donor agencies in their standard operating procedures or instruments (i.e. Project Cycle Management, Sustainable Livelihood approaches)
- Develop the capacity of implementing agencies and partner organizations on “strategically using” ICTs to leverage their programs
... through a social network analysis examining the role of so-called “Boundary Spanners” (i.e. selected people acting as key change facilitators), we should learn how they were actually empowered through technology within their respective social structures to bring about a tipping point for change.