Piracy hampers delivery of aid to Somalia
/Extracted 12AUG2011 from http://www.guardian.co.uk/global-development/2011/aug/11/piracy-hampers-aid-d...
A new report by the African Development Bank (AfDB) said piracy has been a longstanding problem for aid efforts to Somalia as 80%-90% of food aid arrives by sea. In 2007, the World Food Programme (WFP), the UN's food aid agency, reported that the number of ships willing to carry food aid had been cut by half because of the increased dangers faced by ships in Somali waters.
However, increased security measures have had an impact. The number of reported pirate attacks in east Africa dropped from 222 in 209 to 172 last year, according to the International Maritime Organisation, which monitors piracy. Most of the attacks occurred off the coast of Somali and in the Gulf of Aden...
The UN's special representative for Somalia, Augustine Mahiga, has called for greater funding and logistical help, including aviation and mine disposal equipment, for Amisom, the African Union peacekeeping force.