U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Automated Commercial Environment
/Extracted 25JUL2011 from http://www.joc.com/customs/customs-reports-progress-ace
Pilot testing of the ocean and rail manifest systems in the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Automated Commercial Environment is scheduled to begin early this fall, Cindy Allen, executive director of the ACE business office, said Friday.
Allen said that successful performance of the new manifest systems will give Customs the opportunity to turn off the rail and ocean manifest systems in the 1980s-era Automated Commercial System, one of the primary goals in ACE development...
Customs is also working on modernization of the Census Bureau Automated Export System, and making it a part of ACE. Allen said Customs is mindful of the need for maintaining the confidentiality of Census data, but it will also give Customs officers the opportunity to operate in a single system.