OECD/WTO Aid for Trade
/Extracted from http://www.oecd.org/document/59/0,3343,en_21571361_46750445_46759995_1_1_1_1,...
To assess whether progress is being made towards the desired objectives of the Aid for Trade Initiative, OECD and WTO have jointly developed a simple, intuitive, logical monitoring framework which consists of:
- Demand for trade-related development assistance as expressed in national development strategies
- Donor response in the form of Aid for Trade programmes and projects
- Outcomes of the Aid for Trade programmes and projects in terms of improved trade capacities, and finally
- Impact on long-term development objectives, such as MDGs
The centrepiece of the monitoring framework is the joint OECD-WTO publication, Aid for Trade at a Glance. The central theme of the 2011 report is “showing results”. In this context, OECD-WTO have extended the monitoring exercise beyond self-assessments and launched a call for Case Stories, to obtain firsthand knowledge about outcomes and impacts of aid for trade on the ground, from partner countries, donors (including the providers of South-South cooperation), multilateral and regional organizations, NGOs/CSOs, and academic and research institutes.