Multilateral Initiative to Provide Free Access to Trade-Related Data
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GENEVA, 18 July 2011 – The African Development Bank (AfDB), the International Trade Centre (ITC), the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the World Bank, and in cooperation with the UN Statistics Division (UNSD), today launched the Transparency in Trade Initiative (TNT), a global program aiming to give more access to influential trade data.
The TNT Initiative is a joint project aiming to eliminate the transparency gap resulting from the lack of access to data on country-specific trade policies. Once fully developed, it will give free and easy access to information on trade policy instruments like tariffs, non-tariff measures (NTMs) and services regulations. In addition, the initiative will generate new and more accurate data on NTMs and policies affecting trade in services and investment. All data will be freely accessible on a web portal serving as a platform for users in both developed and developing countries...