Investors Favor Ports in Africa, Latin America and India

The Journal of Commerce Online - News Story

Investors with an appetite for risk are likely to be rewarded with greater returns from emerging markets,” The Global Investment in Ports and Terminals said...

There were 195 private investment projects in container, dry and liquid bulk and multi-purpose cargo terminals worth $38 billion between 2000 and 2009...

Private equity is returning to the market following the credit crunch. But I see long-term investment funds, such as pensions, gaining ground,” said HFW associate Matthew Gore...

“While much smaller in terms of volumes or capital, these companies are building up portfolios comprising feeder and second-string niche ports: sure signs that the smaller terminal market is set to become a lot more competitive,” the report said.

There is growing popularity in deals involving the liquefied natural gas and oil sectors focused on the Middle East, India and South America.