Trade and Transport Facilitation Assessment

The "Trade and Transport Facilitation Assessment: A Practical Toolkit for Country Implementation" by the World Bank (2010) can be downloaded free from

This new edition of the toolkit provides an opportunity not only to reflect the changes in the trade environment and the need for additional features in the toolkit, but also to benefit from the experiences of the assessments already undertaken based on the original edition. In 2001, the Bank issued a first Trade and Transport Facilitation Audit (TTFA) toolkit based on an original concept developed by John Raven. This initial concept was extensively revised to give the new toolkit an increased operational focus. The semantic change from audit to assessment also reflects the expansion in scope and the emphasis on development of implementable actions beyond the initial diagnosis.

The Trade and Transport Facilitation Assessment is a practical tool to identify the obstacles to the fluidity of trade supply chains. Taking the perspective of service delivery to traders, the TTFA assessment is founded on facts and data collected through a series of meetings and interviews with the main public and private participants to these international supply chains. They include customs and other border agencies, transport regulators, freight forwarders, transport operators, ports, and others.

The toolkit helps design plans of action to improve logistics performance among its three main dimensions: infrastructure, services, and procedures and processes.

The experience of implementation of the TTFA proved the relevance and the ease of using this instrument. Since 2001, it has benefited many countries, from least-developed countries to emerging economies, as part of the preparation of trade or transport projects, such as corridor development. Trade facilitation is increasingly becoming a key priority to governments at the highest level—as in Indonesia and Morocco, for example—spurred by the realization that logistical bottlenecks were preventing growth opportunities from materializing. They decided to launch ambitious programs starting with an in-depth trade and transport facilitation assessment. This wide body of experience is reflected in this document.

The accompanying Interview Guide includes a scope for the interviews and checklists for all categories of interviewees and field visits.

The World Bank is currently issuing toolkits for border management, port reform, supply chain security, and transit corridors.