Improving Reliability on Surface Transport Networks

Extracted 02JUN2011 from

This is a summary of the report Improving Reliability on Surface Transport Networks. The report was developed by a group of international experts representing 13 countries under the aegis of the Joint Transport Research Centre of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the International Transport Forum.

The report examines the extent to which appropriate levels of transport reliability are delivered, examining experience in each of the major ITF regions. It focuses on national and international movements of passengers and goods on roads and railways. Although reliability has long been identified as central to the quality of transport services, research on valuing reliability and how best to reflect it in assessments of transport projects and policies began only recently. The results of this recent research are reviewed and used as a basis to explore a range of reliability performance measures useful to policy makers in identifying strategies to ensure appropriate levels of reliability. Recommendations are made for possible improvements in transport planning and operations that explicitly incorporate values of reliability. Case studies of commercial operations and a range of policy initiatives across OECD and ITF countries provide examples of analytical tools that can be used to deliver more reliable networks in a cost-effective manner.

This summary document comprises the key messages, executive summary and table of contents of the full report together with details of the experts that contributed to the work.

The full report can be downloaded free at