Implementation of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
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Implementation procedure
The governments of the countries adhering to the Guidelines -- which are the source of most of the world's direct investment flows and home to most multinational enterprises -- agree to promote their implementation by enterprises operating in or from their territory.
The institutional set-up for promoting implementation of the Guidelines is described in an OECD Decision and its Procedural Guidance (see pages 29-35 of the booklet, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises). It consists of three main elements:
- the National Contact Points
- the OECD Investment Committee
- the advisory committees of business and labour federations, BIAC and TUAC, respectively, and NGOs represented by OECD Watch.
Annual Meeting of the National Contact Points
As provided for in the implementation procedures, the NCPs meet annually to share their experiences and to report to the Investment Committee.
Specific instances considered by National Contact Points
The OECD Council Decision of June 2000 instructs the NCPs to contribute to the resolution of issues that arise relating to implementation of the Guidelines in specific instances. The NCP is expected to offer a forum for discussion and to assist the business community, employee organisations and other parties concerned in dealing with the issues raised. Thus, the “specific instances” procedure provides a channel for promoting observance of the Guidelines’ recommendations in the context of individual companies’ operations. With a view to improving the quality of information disclosed by NCPs, OECD publishes an archive of specific instances that have been or are being considered by NCPs. See also the list of statements by NCPs regarding specific instances.