Principles and Practices of Outcomes Based Training and Education


Triadic balance and equilibrium among intangible personal attributes and the associated scaffolding of capabilities for responsible human autonomy.

Riccio, G., & Darwin, M. (2010). Principles and Practices of Outcomes Based Training & Education. In: Riccio, G., Diedrich, F., & Cortes, M.  (Eds.). An Initiative in Outcomes-Based Training and Education: Implications for an Integrated Approach to Values-Based Requirements (Chapter 3). Fort Meade, MD: U.S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group. [Cover art by represents word frequency in text.]

The approach to Outcomes-Based Training and Education (OBTE) assumes that teaching in the information age must be different from predominant approaches in the industrial age. Whether or not education takes place in an institutional setting, the responsibility for both teaching and learning must become considerably more decentralized than in the 20th century. OBTE further assumes that educational practice must accommodate the fact that teaching and learning already is more decentralized, and is becoming increasingly so, because of the social and semantic web. The initiative  in OBTE is a response to this need for responsible decentralization of teaching and learning. Responsible decentralization implies personal autonomy that must be bounded or grounded in some way. In any community, the appropriate grounding is in common values and other cultural imperatives. OBTE helps identify how training and education can become grounded in an organizational culture.

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Intangible metacognitive and metaphysical influences on capabilities for thinking, decision-making, action, and their development.


Gary Riccio

As a partner and as a consultant, I deliver value by identifying, aggregating, and developing previously undervalued assets--people and systems, internal and external, public and private, scientific and technical--for exceptional impact.