Situated Collaborative Problem Solving
/The U.S. Defense Information and Analysis Centers are promulgating Technology Domain Awareness (TDA) as a framework to re-examine the relationship between government, industry, and academe and to propel it into the future. The intent of TDA is to realize untapped potential for National Defense by crossing historical boundaries within and between these sectors. This open innovation can be addressed by utilizing processes that are at once agile and accessible to system-of-systems development and that, as such, have proven successful in recent experience with rapid acquisition. The lessons learned then can be made accessible to broader communities that can use them to self-organize remotely around a shared purpose.
Open innovation is an outcome of collective intelligence in intentional communities without necessarily being an objective. The collaboration is as selective as it is open because of the vetting that occurs naturally in a communities that organize around a shared purpose. This selectivity within a broader range of participants will be essential in developing a broader Defense Innovation Base. This article describes some of the community processes we have utilized for selective open innovation. While applied to counterinsurgency operations, they generalize far beyond military situations.